Thursday 22 September 2016

Writing SEO Articles- Quick and Easy Way to Make Money from Home Online

Writing SEO articles is quick and easy way to make money from home online if you are a webmaster, internet marketer, affiliate marketer or freelance writer. As an affiliate marketer, you can learn how to write SEO articles and use it to get free targeted traffic to your website when you rank your web pages in the SERP for your target keyword phrases. As a freelance writer, you can offer SEO content writing services from your blog and charge clients per hour or per article.

What I want to discuss with you here is how to find profitable keywords and writing SEO articles around them as an affiliate marketer. It will help you to rank a web page which is targeting a long tail keyword phrase in search engines like The ability to rank your web page on page one of major search engines for low competition keyword which has buyer’s intention will drive free targeted traffic to your website. This will ultimately translate to more website visitors, subscribers list, sales and profits if your sales funnel is set up properly.

With that said, let’s get started.

What is SEO?

First and foremost, SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. It is a technique or process of creating and publishing content on a website with the aim of rank the content in search engines such as,,, etc for its target key phrase.

Search engine is simply a software program which enables an information seeker to find what he is searching for on the World Wide Web when he types his query related to his topic or subject into the search field. The search engines crawl, spider and index web pages on different subjects and topics on regular basis. It indexes and ranks web pages based on various websites’ content relevance and importance in line with searcher’s query.  

Based on its algorithm, every search engine usually rank websites and blogs which are intentionally or unintentionally targeting the keyword phrase which an info seeker enters into the search engine. As it were, blogs and websites that rank on page one will be deemed to be more important and relevant than others which appear in pages two onward for any specific keyword a person types.

Aside writing SEO articles, you have to understand on-page and off-page search engine optimization so that you can consolidate your web pages’ ranking in SERP (search engine results page) for the long term. However, you have to bear it in mind that a good SEO article is one which is search engine friendly and human readable at the same time. It is not enough to curry favor with search engines and provoke the ire of your potential readers and customers.  

To this end, I will be looking at quality content which has 2 percent maximum keyword density in order to avoid keyword stuffing penalty from search engines especially the Big Google. In the past and now, search engines are always after webmasters who are utilizing black hat methods to cut corners so that they can rank their websites for various target keywords.

As you learn how to write SEO articles, always remember that search engines will punish your website for stuffing keyword phrases into published articles. You have to write and include your target search term in the content in a natural way so that it can be readable and engaging.

How to Know What People is Searching Online

Writing SEO articles starts with keyword research. First, you have to know what online shoppers and information seekers are looking for before you can create content to target it. The easiest way to find search terms which they are entering into search engines is with keyword research tools. There are many free and paid keyword research software which you can make use of.

Personally, I make use of the free Google Keyword Planner (formerly Google Keyword Tool) and Long Tail Pro software. The major advantage of using paid keyword research tool over free keyword tool is the ability to analyze low competition search terms for profitability and ease of ranking in a matter of minutes. Although you can manually analyze keyword phrases in order to determine their competitiveness, it can be cumbersome to say the least.

But if you are a beginning internet marketer, you can learn the ropes by doing everything manually so that you know how it works. This is how I got started too. You may want to download my free ebook on how to use Keyword Planner from Google to get yourself started. 

How to Write SEO Articles

Before you start writing SEO articles, you have to decide on the title. In other words, you must have chosen a niche market and keyword phrase to pursue in your content creation. For example, in this blog post, my niche market is affiliate marketing and my topic is how to write SEO content to drive free traffic to my website.

Basically, a typical SEO article can be broken down into the following sections:

  1. Title or Heading
  2. Introduction
  3. Body
  4. Conclusion

In today’s search engine standard, quality SEO article should be 1,000 words or above filled with useful information in order to cut it. This means you have to be prepared to write quality content of more than 1,000 words every time you sit down to work.

First of all, I have to research the topic in by typing in my target keyword in the search box in order to know which websites are ranking on pages 1 to 5. Next, I will go to the individual web pages of the ranking websites and read the content. During this my research stage, I will take down notes which I can refer to for ideas when I start writing.

If it is a specialized subject which is not familiar to me, I may visit niche market forums, educational and government websites to get ideas and the common lexicon used in industry. It is fun when researching and writing SEO articles as an affiliate marketer because you can project how much affiliate commissions you will earn when you are able to rank your content on page one of

Do you know what I have done with this article? I simply followed the way I write SEO articles for publication to teach you how to do it! Let’s examine this article closely.

First of all, I did a little research on this topic because it is already my forte. The next step was to create an outline which will serve as my guide or road map when writing the content. Creating an outline when you are writing an ebook or article is important so that you don’t omit vital information in your work.

The Title of the Article

The keyword phrase which you are targeting should be in the title of your article. My target keyword phrase for this article is “writing SEO articles.” But to make it more readable and attention grabbing, I decided to add “quick and easy way to make money from home online.”

It is advisable to make sure your target search term comes earlier in the title if possible. It helps as far as search engine optimization is concerned! You have to be creative about it. Websites that are actively targeting low competition long tail keywords always put their words in the title.


The introductory paragraph is where you introduce your readers to the topic at hand. In the first or second sentence, you should also try as much as you can to include your keyword. Although search engine algorithm is more intelligent now to read the whole content and know what it is all about, you will be better off by including your key phrase in the first sentence.


The body of the article is where you will give the meat of the content to your readers to consume. You should write in short sentences and create short paragraphs as well. There may be need to add sub headings in the body of your article. Depending on the level of information which you have to provide for your website visitors, the body of the article can run into lots of paragraphs. 

At this time, you should look for natural ways and places to include the target phrase. I do intersperse my content with alternative and LSI keywords. LSI stands for latent semantic indexing. If your article topic is about table, it is natural to mention chair somewhere in your content if it fits naturally.


The conclusion will wrap up everything you have discussed in the introduction and body of your article. But the most important take away when writing SEO articles is to make your text conversational, interesting, engaging, informative and entertaining.

I have discovered that quality content can considerably reduce the bounce rate and engage your readers to stay longer on your web pages or website. As much as you can, pay special attention to grammar, spelling, sentence structure and syntax. If you can make your content shareable, the better for you!

Above all, remember you have to promote your article in order to drive visitors to your blog. Quality content is king, no doubt; but you can no longer publish your content and expect people to find it on their own.  Cutthroat competition is making it harder to rank web pages which are targeting various long tail keyword phrases. What you can do to be ahead of the competition is to promote the hell out of your article.

You should also remember to make your keyword phrase the URL of your content.

Benefits of Writing SEO Articles and Ranking Them

Here are few of the benefits which you will derive from creating unique content around keywords and ranking them on the first pages of search engines.

  • You will regularly get free targeted traffic to your website or blog content which you have monetized with your own products or affiliate products.
  • Advertisers will be willing to buy advertising ad spaces from your web site.

For further reading on writing SEO articles, pick 5-10 of keyword phrases in different niche markets and enter them one by one into search engines:

  • Without quotation marks e.g. your keyword phrase
  • With quotation marks e.g. “your keyword phrase”
  • With allintitle: e.g. allintitle:” your keyword phrase”

Read and study a lot of articles on your target keywords as you can and pay particular attention to how and where keywords are placed in the content by different webmasters who are ranking. All in all, writing SEO articles can be of tremendous benefit to internet marketers, affiliate marketers and freelance writers.

Further Reading:

How to Make Money Online Writing SEO Articles

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing with SEO Content


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