Sunday 4 September 2016

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Business

If it is your desire to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing business, this article is for you. In case you are not aware, selling any product or service on the internet is not an easy task. In other words, you have to be prepared in advance on this onerous online marketing task because a number of variables must be in sync for you to promote and sell products and services successfully on the World Wide Web. But it is very doable if you are determined to succeed and I will share almost all of my internet marketing secrets in this affiliate marketing guide.

When I teach, I don’t mince words but rather I call a spade a spade so that you don’t feel complacent about starting an online business and making money from home! In this guide, I will discuss how to sell affiliate products with content and be able to make money online fast. It is an actionable report with ideas which you can start implementing almost immediately.

Idea #1: Research a Good Affiliate Product to Promote

Having a good affiliate product or service to promote is important for long term affiliate marketing success. Granted, there is no way an online shopper will know and appreciate the quality of a product until after buying and using it. However, this idea will make sense to you when the product’s refund rate is low and there is positive feedback from buyers when you start selling the product. This is why you have to conduct due diligence when choosing products to promote and sell on the internet.

How do you know that an affiliate product is good? The first step is to use the product yourself before promoting it. You can ask the vendor for review copy or buy it as the case may be so that you can have firsthand experience with the affiliate product. The second step is to read independent testimonials and comments from niche market forums related to the product or service.

You have to be the detective here for you to sift the grain from the chaff. Personally, I take testimonials from the merchant’s sales page with a pinch of salt until I am satisfied with the independent feedback from real users who are not connected to the vendor.

Idea #2: Build an Affiliate Website

Basically, there are three ways to promote affiliate products online, namely:

  1. By building review blog type website,
  2. By building authority blog and promoting affiliate products from it, and
  3. By setting up an opt-in web page or landing page.

Although any of these 3 methods are good ways to make money with affiliate marketing, I strongly recommend building squeeze page website to promote affiliate products. By building lead magnet landing pages, it will help you to establish lasting relationship with your target audience. It is from good relationship that digital marketers are able to sell products and services online with ease.

However, you need the following internet marketing tools to set up a squeeze page seamlessly:

  1. Domain name and web hosting,
  2. Email marketing and list building software,
  3. About 2 to 3 page website including the squeeze page,
  4. Free but quality incentive to give away in exchange of email addresses of your prospects, and
  5. Series of well-written follow-up messages to send to your email list of subscribers on pre-defined days.

But there is no problem if you are not able to start right away with list building campaign in your target niche market. It means you have to work harder by building product review blog interspersed with quality SEO articles to presell the affiliate products you are promoting.

You will be highly successful if you create website blog to review affiliate products and services with stellar content. Most importantly, you have to target buying keywords (i.e. long tail keyword phrases which clearly indicate the intentions of searchers to buy a product or service) and product name keywords.

Idea #3: Get Targeted Traffic to Your Website

The affiliate marketing battle is half won after building content website or blog to review products. The second half of the battle is regularly getting targeted visitors to your blog and converting them into warm prospects or buyers. This is where this report comes in handy. If you study and implement the ideas which I will share in this free affiliate marketing guide, you will be miles ahead of other thousands of affiliate marketers who are struggling to make money on the internet all to no avail.

There are 2 broad ways to get targeted traffic to your website. The first option is to use paid advertising and the second option is free advertising. Again, paid online advertising has many methods such as paid per click (PPC) advertising, media buying, etc. It will cost you money to deploy paid advertising option. But the greatest advantage of paid advertising is that the traffic is instant. In other words, you will start getting visitors to your site as soon as your adverts start running.

As for free online advertising, it is free as the name suggests except when you decide to outsource the work involved instead of doing it yourself. A lot of newbies always start with free advertising methods because it offers the opportunity to learn the ropes without spending money i.e. investing only their time to get the work done.

Free advertising methods include search engine traffic i.e. building search engine optimized blogs and ranking your web pages which will target low competition keyword phrases; article or content marketing; using social media marketing; placing free classified adverts; using forum marketing; guest blogging; making blog comments; to mention a few.

Paid online advertising is beyond the scope of this free affiliate marketing blueprint. Also, I cannot discuss all the free online advertising methods mentioned in this handbook. I am going to concentrate on how to research and write SEO articles or content which you can use to drive website visitors to your landing pages. So, you are not going to invest a dime to learn how to write SEO articles and publish on your blog or third party web properties.

I have strong bias for content marketing to promote affiliate products or to sell my own products. If you understand and deploy search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing strategies in your online business properly, you are rest assured of constant sales in the foreseeable future.

I am going to teach you step by step how to write SEO articles to presell and promote affiliate products and services successfully without breaking a sweat. First and foremost, you have to choose a product to promote. For the sake of this guide, I have selected an affiliate product to promote from Clickbank marketplace based on the criteria discussed in the affiliate challenge video on how to make money with affiliate marketing.

I simply browsed Clickbank marketplace, selected “health & fitness” category, and then “women’s health” sub-category. I selected “gravity” from the “sort results by” options instead of the default setting of “popularity” and the “high to low” radio button remained intact. Also, I selected “results per page” from the default 10 to 50. This is to allow me to search lots of affiliate products at a glance instead of the default 10 products per page.

With my affiliate marketing experience, I will pick the product, “Yeast Infection No More” to promote. If you are at sea on how to research, find and select affiliate products and services to promote from Clickbank marketplace, please download this affiliate marketing ebook.

Now, I am going to research low competition keyword phrases to target in my SEO article writing and marketing campaigns. By going through the merchant’s sales page, I found lots of keyword phrases on the sales letter to start with in my keyword research step. The seed keywords which I selected are:

  • yeast infection no more (i.e. the product name)
  • candida yeast infection
  • yeast infection program
  • holistic candida system
  • treat candida infection
  • candida yeast infection healing system
  • linda allen yeast infection no more
  • linda allen
  • yeast infection no more linda allen
  • chronic yeast infection
  • etc

Additionally, I can enter the URL of the merchant in Google Keyword Planner and generate lots of keywords which the vendor is targeting himself. The goal of this exercise is to find low competition buyer keywords which I can write and publish SEO articles on.

I will not just be hunting for any type of keyword phrases but rather “buying keywords” which will give me a fair chance of making a sale somewhere down the buying cycle. Let me clarify what buying keywords are.

Let’s assume an online shopper is searching for “antivirus software” to buy. Which of the following types of keywords do you think will likely bring you serious searchers who will hopefully buy anti virus product from your affiliate website?

  1. Antivirus
  2. Antivirus software
  3. Buy antivirus software
  4. Buy antivirus software online
  5. Buy Norton antivirus software online

If you ask me, I will go for the fifth keyword which is “buy Norton antivirus software online.” It may have the fewest searches but it is the most targeted keyword phrase which will hopefully generate leads and sales. Below are the types of keywords you should always look out for and target:

  • Product name keyword
  • Product name + author name keyword
  • Problem solution keyword
  • Etc

In the “Yeast Infection No More” affiliate product, I will research long tail keyword phrases similar to:

  • yeast infection no more (i.e. product name keyword)
  • yeast infection no more linda allen (i.e. product name + author name keyword)
  • yeast infection treatment (i.e. problem solution keyword)
  • yeast infection no more program
  • no more yeast infection book
  • yeast infection no more book
  • yeast infection no more by linda
  • no more yeast infection
  • holistic yeast infection cure
  • cure for yeast infection
  • what is the cure for yeast infection
  • cure for candida yeast infection
  • candida yeast infection cure
  • linda allen yeast infection no more
  • how to get rid of yeast infection
  • vaginal yeast infections
  • yeast infection treatment for women
  • yeast infection while pregnant
  • yeast infection treatment natural
  • all natural yeast infection cure
  • all natural remedies for yeast infection

The above search terms are few examples of keywords related to “yeast infection treatment.” But you can quickly find many more search queries from reliable paid keyword research software. This is an essential internet marketing tool which is worth the investment. But in this tutorial, I am using the free Google Keyword Planner to find keywords and then manually analyze the competitiveness of each of them. It takes up valuable time which I can use to promote my blog.

I have written a free internet marketing guide on how to use Google Keyword Planner and analyze every search term of your interest for SEO competition. So, I will not go over it again here. What I want to show you now is how to write SEO articles around low competition keyword phrases.

How to Write SEO Articles Around Keyword Phrases

Let’s assume I want to target the keyword, “all natural remedies for yeast infection.” My first task is to read a lot of articles and publications from web pages which are targeting and ranking for the keyword phrase in I will search Google for the keyword phrase with and without quotation marks which is similar to the screen shots below. I usually focus my reading on the results from pages 1 to 3 of SERP (search engine results page.)

What I will do next is to learn the subject in detail and take down notes. The idea of the study is to come up with superior content which should hopefully trump the competition. For every niche market I am targeting, I also conduct deep research to discover websites, blogs and forums of the real experts. I will quickly subscribe to their newsletters so that I can be on top of the industry's news and information.

Within a week or two, I would have chunk up sufficient knowledge and information to build a mini-expert blog. It is a bit of work but it will pay off in the long run better than being stuck in a day job rut.

When I am done with my reading and taking down of notes, I will create an outline for the keyword phrase I want to write SEO article on. For this example, it is how to write SEO article for the search term, “all natural remedies for yeast infection.”

My outline will look like this:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Yeast Infection?
  3. Causes of a Yeast Infection
  4. Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection
  5. Conclusion

When writing my introduction, I will include the keyword, “all natural remedies for yeast infection,” within the first or second sentence. I will also include it once in the body and conclusion of the article. I don’t go beyond keyword density of 2 percent for each article I write.

Here is a secret which have successfully worked for me over the years. Most of the time, I write SEO articles and publish on my blog around buying keywords. It doesn’t matter the number of monthly search volume for the keyword phrase. I can go as low as 10 searches per month for a buyer keyword. But within the same article, I will include related search queries with high search volumes.

While you are working towards ranking your web page for your target search term, you will be amazed how much additional traffic from other keyword phrases that your blog will be getting which you did not even optimize for. For instance, “all natural remedies for yeast infection” has only 40 searches per month from United States of America (USA).

If I were to write an SEO article for the keyword phrase and publish it, I will simply follow the above outline. The search volumes per month for some of the phrases in the outline above are:

“What is a Yeast Infection?” This key phrase is searched 18,100 per month from US target market as of writing. “Causes of a Yeast Infection.” This key phrase is searched 1,300 per month from US target market as of writing.

In other words, I have a fighting chance of getting free targeted traffic from people searching for,

  1. What is a Yeast Infection?
  2. Causes of a Yeast Infection
  3. Or any other ancillary but similar keywords otherwise known as latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords.

In summary, you should always write and publish SEO articles on your blog around:

  • buyer keywords
  • list type articles
  • how to articles
  • product reviews articles

However, when marketing with content on third party websites or blogs and/or building backlinks to your website pages, aim for general type of key phrases with monthly high search volumes. The benefit of following this simple but powerful idea is priceless.

You can read similar articles targeting your search terms and study their writing styles, content presentation, affiliate links placement, ways of displaying compensation disclosure, legal and earnings disclaimer, and so on. Learn from the best and become the hybrid affiliate marketer.

You can read up on how to make money with affiliate marketing and watch associated videos from the links below:

Click Here to Download The Affiliate Challenge Video Course

To your affiliate marketing success!

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